¿Por qué nuestro apoyo al empoderamiento de la mujer?

Why our support for women's empowerment?

Laforce works in alliance on the one hand, with entrepreneurial women from Costa Rica and Spain, connecting their wonderful products with a broader audience and thus supporting their work and economy. They are young women who start with a lot of strength and enthusiasm and women who are not so young, who due to different situations need support to keep their projects afloat.

NEPAL, our most particular alliance is with these women. Because?

Women's empowerment and gender issues are global issues that affect countries around the world in various ways. Unlike more economically developed countries, women in Nepal have a very different role and opportunities in society compared to continents such as Europe and North America, being a rigidly patriarchal society. For example, the majority of people in Nepal who cannot read or write are women, they have a much lower life expectancy than men, and most women depend on men for their basic needs of shelter, food, and stability. economical. The caste system still worsens the situation of women in Nepal, as it prevents lower castes from aspiring to grow in the hierarchical scale and therefore in their economic progress. The Dalit community is exploited and discriminated against, but women are even more so. They suffer insults, threats and attacks, they are economically exploited in their jobs, up to 90% of this population lives below the poverty line. They are discriminated against in educational centers and even in small urban concentrations, nor are they allowed entry into many of the prayer temples. The literacy rate of Dalit women is very low, facing very serious disadvantages in terms of education. It is common for these women to be deceived by criminal organizations and even friends and family, taking away their children, whom in the vast majority of cases they will never see again, offering them work in a factory or free studies in a boarding school, being their real destiny is that of victims of trafficking.

Women's empowerment is vital to increasing prosperity and standards of living in local communities, regions and Nepal as a whole.